Forms of Interagency from Conflict to Community. Division A: Communication and Knowledge
Kontaktperson: Johanna Seibt | | lektor | Institut for Filosofi & idéhistorie
Projektdeltagere: klik her
Brief description: PPS is part of the SophiaEurope Program , an international, cross-disciplinary discussion and research forum involving 80 researchers from the humanities, theology, and the sciences. PPS is to investigate common conceptualizations of agentive, institutional and social processes, with a focus on (A) the communication of knowledge and (b) community-building communication.
Overview: The main purpose of this project is to explore the potential benefits of a ‘process view’ in the understanding of ourselves and our agentive domains and options, from an individual and socio-political perspective. The project is motivated by the observation that we are used to conceive of ourselves and our agentive environment in terms of static conditions, while our experience suggests the application of categories for dynamic phenomena: goings-on, developments, actions, activities, growth, emergences, decline etc.
We will pursue the following task : we will collect extant ontological and cross-disciplinary research on process-oriented descriptions of agentive domains, and apply these to devise a classification of constructive and antagonistic interactions, in connection with a processual understanding of knowledge, community, personhood and ethical judgment.
We will investigate the following main questions , with a view to concrete practical applications:
Outreach Effort: The investigations in Division B are intended to bolster the debate about cultural and religious diversity in the larger Danish community and specifically will enable co-ordinated activities of the interdisciplinary outreach program ‘Kulturmøde: Religion og Livsyn’ (Culture Junction: Religion as a Way of Life) and the Process Research Network, both based at Aarhus University. One of the outcomes will be an anthology of contributions on theory and praxis of process theology and process-based organizations of communities, to be edited in the international book series Process Thought (publication agreement already established).
Else Marie Wiberg Pedersen ( ) | lektor | Teologi, AU
Morten Raffnsøe-Møller ( ) | lektor | Institut for Filosofi og Idéhistorie
Marie Vejrup Nielsen ( ) | Ph.d. studerende | Teologi, AU
Robin May Schott | Filosofi, RUC
Ejvind Hansen ( ) | forskningsadjunkt | Institut for Filosofi og Idéhistorie
Niels Henrik Gregersen ( ) | professor | Teologi, KU
Carsten Pallesen ( ) | lektor | Teologi, KU
Anders Moe Rasmussen ( ) | lektor | Institut for Filosofi og Idéhistorie
Baris Parkan | Philosophy, University of Ankara, Turkey